My whole9 goals list for 2013


In preparation for my whole30 challenge, it is recommended for each person to take a thoughtful look at their goals. For me, goal-setting for things in my life sometimes feels daunting and a little bit scary. When I set out to accomplish something tangible, I’m very much a person who likes to see a project through to completion. There’s an indescribable satisfaction to be done and moving on. But life doesn’t work that way and I think that’s why I’ve had a lifetime of personal goal failure, to the point where I don’t set them anymore. Goals inĀ life are on-going. It’s kind of like healthy eating, you’re neverĀ done with healthy eating; you can’t cross it off your to-do list. Its just forever there, as something you have to think about and complete, day after day. Ughhhh so tiring! I’m still trying to figure out my systems to simplify this particular aspect of life, and overall, I’m like a child with these personal goal things. I really have no idea how to do it and to integrate it and not treat it like something with a start and end date.

So I’m making lots of progress with fitness as a way of life and I’m ready to make it a full package. Here are my whole9 goals for my first whole30.

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