Day 2 Whole30!

Well, it’s the end of day 2! Actually earlier today I was excited for it to be day 3 so I’d be 10% done. It’s not so bad actually. First of all, I thought I’d be in a much worse spot without my coffee, especially on day 2. I’ve felt relatively stable with a brief 20 minute withdrawal headache, but nothing extreme. I did have a bathroom “emergency” today that was preceded by some very intense cramps. I’ve been on antibiotics and pain meds for an ear infection recently, so I’m not sure how much of that episode was due to the meds or the paleo.

I woke up with my daughter Aria requesting oatmeal, which was painful, because I freaking love eating oatmeal for breakfast. I had no idea what I was going to eat, other than NOT eggs. I brainstormed while make the kids that beautiful, delicious oatmeal and came up with a smoothie for breakfast. Dumped some frozen fruit, spinach and almond milk into the blender and pressed the button. Of course something heinous occurs and I break the blender. The food processor was used the night before for the Sunshine Sauce on the Paleo Pad Thai, so making a smoothie became so much more difficult and would involve washing dishes before any food consumption. Sucked!

Went to the gym and felt decent on the elliptical. Definitely didn’t feel very energized and was noticing the time ticking by for sure.

Fast forward through my bathroom blitz and I made it to my first Derby Lite roller derby boot camp. I LOVED it. It was such a blast getting out there with other beginners and learning the basics. I felt so energized and on a serious fun high at the end. I can’t wait for next week.

I’m fighting back sleep right now for sure. I’m going to listen to my body and drift off.

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